EMILY systems have been deployed in numerous disaster response events over the years.
In 2011 Hydronalix deployed the first SONAR EMILY system to Nepal to monitor Lake Imja Tsho at the base of Mount Everest. EMILY’s small size and battery operation made it ideal for a mission at 15,000 ft elevation. EMILY successfully mapped the lake bottom with her sonar for scientist to estimate the danger of the lake collapsing and putting at risk tens of thousands of villagers in the valleys below.
In 2015 Hydronalix joined the Center for Robot-Assisted Search and Rescue (CRASAR). In 2016, under the leadership of Dr. Robin Murphy of Texas A&M, Hydronalix deployed two EMILY systems with subject matter experts Los Angeles County Fire Department Lifeguard Chief Fernando Boiteux and Rural Metro Fire Captain John Sims. In ten days the team was embedded with the Helenic Coast Guard and the Helenic Red Cross helping bring Syrian refugee migrants safely assure while crossing the channel from Turkey to Lesbos Island, Greece. A smaller CRASAR team returned the following month to the area and supplied Turkish rescue personnel with two Swift Water Rescue EMILY systems.
In 2017 Hydronalix deployed SONAR EMILY with CRASAR to Houston for Hurricane Harvey to provide bathymetry mapping of critical flooding sections of the Brazos River.
In 2018 more than a dozen Beach Rescue EMILY systems were stationed on the Island of Bali in preparation of possible volcanic eruption which could cause a tsunami event on the islanders.
In 2019 Hydronalix deployed to Norfolk, VA to train and support Norfolk Fire Department on their new SONAR EMILY system for post Hurricane Dorian Response.
In 2019 Hydronalix deployed with an NGO to Abaco Island, Bahamas with SONAR EMILY to map clear passage for allowing the first medical supply and disaster response ships to come into Marsh Harbor. Shortly after completing her mission, the first medical supply ship was able to come in and land on shore with medical doctors and medicines. The following days would see a stream of ships flowing in using the sonar maps that EMILY generated for safe passage. The team also used SONAR EMILY to clear Baker's Bay for safe passage of medical and critical supply vessels.